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VIP开幕酒会:2013年7月6日,周六,下午6-8点 上海James Cohan画廊 地址:徐汇区岳阳路170弄1号楼1楼,近永嘉路

上海James Cohan画廊荣幸推出三位中国艺术家的绘画作品: 黄渊青,欧阳春和石至莹。 展览将于2013年7月6日开幕,并持续至8月31日。开幕酒会将于7月6日,星期六,晚上6点至8点举行。

“世界的真正的奥秘是有形的,不是无形的……” 著名诗人剧作家奥斯卡王尔德曾写道。本次展览中的三位艺术家与王尔德所述不谋而合:通过他们多元,风格各异的作品,构筑起物质与精神世界的桥梁。

作为中国抽象艺术界独特的领军人物之一,黄渊青以融合中西的技艺展现抽象艺术。精研书法,黄渊青的作品以当代文人的姿态重新阐释了“书画同源”这个中国艺术 理论中的传统概念。他的作品通常由线条引导,并辅以层次丰富的色彩从而产生不断叠加的肌理。 黄渊青率性的绘画语言,灵动而准确,逐渐呈现在时间中潜行的知性韵律。与创作书法的规律相反,他作画时很少一气呵成,个别作品经历数月甚至数年才最终完 成,但也正因如此,经过深思熟虑和时间的沉淀,黄渊青的作品也更为历久弥新。 欧阳春以他对潜意识体验的探索以及日记式的记叙方式而著称。“很多时候”,欧阳春说,“ 我以绘画去解释我自己而不仅仅去解释创作绘画的过程。”欧阳春以他带有批判性质但有时也会像孩童般调皮的视角描绘都市与社会生活。他的作品更加贴近边缘艺 术,和民间故事相关联, 也同时基于过度与积累着两层概念之上。一系列的图像和物件熔合在一起,看似随意,但艺术家给予它们自身的象征性力量,秩序以及普遍的重要性。没有任何图像 或者物件是被认为理所当然的。与其同辈的艺术家们一样,欧阳春从早期开始便搁置了对于政治主题的阐释,而是着眼于对于自我表达以及精神心理分析的更大追 求。 孩子们的世界,国王和王后的世界,鲸鱼的世界,这些神话传说中的世界以及这些世界的主角们才是欧阳春作品的中心。欧阳春有意识地避免任何已被定义的风格并 努力给予艺术家内心世界最大的自由。

与这两位艺术家形成鲜明对比的艺术家石至莹以其黑白风格的广阔海域、无尽散乱的岩石风景、传统的沙庭景观和叶片交错的草坪而予人深刻的印象,其作品总是能够 令观者立刻进入深层的个人反思与对于时间流动的冥想境界。本次展览中的主打作品《无限的草坪》曾在去年艺术家在James Cohan画廊的上海空间的个展中一鸣惊人。石至莹首次美国个展将于本月在James Cohan画廊的纽约空间进行,届时将展出她在中国、柬埔寨以及印度的旅行中得到启发的新作《遗迹》。更多的关于石至莹纽约个展的作品信息请登录我们的官方网站

黄渊青(1963年出生于上海)。2012年黄渊青在柏林的Galerie Albrecht举办了他的重要个展;2010年张江现代艺术中心,《形象》个展;2007年,《靠近》,曼谷大学画廊。他的作品参加过许多重要群展,包 括2013年《心神会》外滩22号艺术中心,上海;2012年慕尼黑艺术博览会,慕尼黑;2011年《都市抽象》,Art Front Gallery, 东京;2011年《道法自然》MoCA上海当代艺术馆;2010年《海平线—抽象邀请展》上海油雕院。

欧阳春(1974年出生于北京),1995年毕业于西安艺术美术学院教育系。欧阳春目前居住于北京。2012年他在北京今日美术馆举办了他的首次重要个展 《孩童》;2011年,《王》Belvedere美术馆,维也纳,奥地利;2009年,《欧阳春“2007-2009”作品展》,Frank Schlag & Cie 画廊,埃森,德国。欧阳春同时参与了许多重要群展:2013年《演变—先锋当代艺术中心开馆展》,先锋当代艺术中心,南京;2012年,第九届上海双年 展,上海;2011年,《未来通行证—从亚洲到全球》,圣格雷戈斯修道院,威尼斯,意大利;2010年,《民生现代美术馆开幕展—中国当代艺术三十年历 程》,民生现代美术馆,上海。

石至莹(1979年出生于上海),毕业于上海大学美术学院油画系。2009年,她在北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心举办了重要个展《从太平洋─公海》。她的作品参加 过许多群展,包括2011年《N分钟影像艺术节》,上海;《白兔十年》,White Rabbit画廊,悉尼;《DAS ICH IM ANDEREN》,麦卡托基金会,埃森,德国;2010年《双簧─中国当代艺术展2010》,东大名创库,上海;《百年女性中外女艺术家作品展》,上海美 术馆,上海;2010年个展《天上•人间》,空白空间,北京。艺术家目前工作和生活于上海。

更多信息或图片,请联系周冰心 或 +86-21-54660825。画廊工作时间:周二至周六,早10点至晚6点,周日中午12点至晚6点,周一请预约。




July 6, 2013 through August 31, 2013

Opening Reception: Saturday July 6, 2013, 6-8 pm Venue: James Cohan Gallery Shanghai Address: 1/F, Building 1, Lane 170 Yue Yang Road, by Yong Jia Road

James Cohan Gallery Shanghai is pleased to present an exhibition of paintings by three Chinese artists: Huang Yuanqing, Ouyang Chun and Shi Zhiying. The exhibition opens on July 6th and continues through August 31st, 2013. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, July 6th, from 6 to 8 p.m. “The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.” Oscar Wilde once wrote. The three painters in the exhibition share something in common with Wilde’s statement, as each of their dynamic and diverse style bridge the physical and cerebral world. A unique and leading figure of abstract art in China, Huang Yuanqing integrates Eastern and Western techniques and approaches to abstract painting. Skilled as a calligrapher, Huang’s paintings take a contemporary literati position, working from the traditional concept that painting and calligraphy stem from the same source. Guided by line, profuse layers of color and textures, Huang’s intuitive language emerges slowly, appearing flexible and yet precise, guided by a rhythmic intelligence leading each resulting work. Contrary to the principles of calligraphy, however, Huang’s paintings are created over a period of time, sometimes taking months or even years, suspending his process and output, and thus allowing time to play a critical and essential role in the completion of a finished work. Ouyang Chun is well known for his subconscious investigations and diary-style narration. “Much of the time,” the artist has stated, “I’m painting to explain myself, not simply to explain the painting process.” Ouyang depicts urban and social life with a critical and sometimes mischievous eye. His paintings feel closer to outsider art, connected to folklore, and are often based on the idea of excess and accumulation. A network of images and objects fuse, seemingly random, but embody their own symbolic power, order, and universal significance. No image or object is taken for granted. Like many of the artists of his generation, he discarded political themes early in his development, seeking the greater potential in self-expression and personal psychology. The world of children, kings and queens, whales, mythological legends of the world and all who inhabit it, are central to Quyang’s works that consciously avoid any definitive style, giving free rein to the inner world of the artist.

In contrast to the other two artists, Shi Zhiying is known for her stark black and white oil paintings of vast monochromatic vistas of the sea, endless landscapes of scattered rocks, traditional sand gardens, and intricate blades of grass. Shi’s paintings are deeply visceral and contemplative, and summon intense reflection on individuality and the passage of time. The featured work in this exhibition is the painting The Infinite Lawn, which was the pivotal work in her solo exhibition at the Shanghai gallery last year. Shi will have her first solo exhibition at James Cohan Gallery in New York this month, where she will debut her latest body of work, The Relics, inspired by the artist’s travels in China, Cambodia, and India. For more information on Shi’s New York solo exhibition visit the website Huang Yuanqing (born in Shanghai, 1963) In 2012, Huang Yuanqing held his major solo exhibition at Galerie Albrecht , Berlin; 2010, Xing Xiang, Zhang Jiang Contemporary Art Center, Shanghai; 2007 Move Closer, gallery of Bangkok University. His works has been featured in recent outstanding group exhibitions, including 2013 Xinshenhui, Bund 22 Art Center, Shanghai, China; 2012, Munich Art Exhibition, Munich;2011 Metropolitan Abstraction, Art Front Gallery, Tokyo, Japan; 2010 Sea inst Level- Abstract invitation exhibition, Shanghai oil paintings & sculpture institute, Shanghai, China.

Ouyang Chun (born in Beijing, 1974) graduated from the Department of Art Education of Xi’an Academy of Fine Art. Ouyang Chun exhibitionsly lives in Beijing. He hold his major solo show 2012, Child, in Today Art Museum, Beijing, China; 2011, Painting the King, Belvedere- Upper Belvedere & Augarten Contemporary, Vienna, Austria;2009, Ouyang Chun- Paintings 2007-2009, Galerie Frank Schlag & Cie, Germany. Ouyang Chun also participated distinguished group exhibitions: 2013, Evolution—Avant-Garde contemporary Art Center Opening Exhibition, Avant-garde Contemporary Art Center, Nanjing; 2012, The 9th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, China;2011 Future Pass- From Asia to the World, Abbazia di San Gregorio, Venice, Italy; 2010, The Official Opening of Minsheng Art Museum- Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China.

Shi Zhiying (born in Shanghai, 1979) graduated from the Oil Painting Department, Shanghai University Fine Arts College. In 2009, the artist was the subject of a major solo exhibition entitled From The Pacific Ocean to the High Seas at the Ullens Center of Contemporary Art in Beijing. Her work has been featured in distinguished group exhibitions including Reactivation- the 9th Shanghai Biennale at Power Station of Art, Shanghai, 2012, N Minutes Video Art Festival, Shanghai, Decade of the Rabbit, White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, and DAS ICH IM ANDEREN, Stiftung Mercator, Essen, in 2011; Double Act – 2010 Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Red Town Warehouse, Shanghai, and Centennial Celebration of Women in Art, Shanghai Art Museum, in 2010; and in solo exhibitions at James Cohan Gallery, Shanghai, in 2012, and White Space, Beijing, in 2010 and 2012. She exhibitionsly lives and works in Shanghai.

For further information, please contact Ivy Zhou at or contact the gallery at +86 21 54660825. Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 to 6:00 p.m.; Sunday 12:00 to 6:00 p.m.; and Monday by appointment.


Click here to download SHI ZHIYING'S BIO



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